Technical Services:

Technical Contracting Solutions
7/129 Robinson Rd.
Geebung QLD 4034

Ph: 07 3265 7198
Mobile: 0414 739 384

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Protective Coatings

Technical Contracting Solutions P/Lhas extensive experience in the application of protective systems and associated surface preparation required to ensure maximum adhesion to the parent substrate. We have specialised in providing application solutions to the water treatment industry where we have contracted to:Technical Contracting Solutions P/L have had extensive experience in both installation of new and remedial waterproofing including:

Sand blast and application of epoxy render followed by spray application of high build epoxy coatings to clarifier launder channels, bioreactors, primary treatment areas and other structures included in the treatment of waste water

Sand blast and apply epoxy coatings to steel and cement pipe work

Carry out the rebuilding of concrete columns and walls including replacement of existing reinforcement steel

Carry out substrate preparation, rendering and coating of manhole and pump wells which include confined space and traffic control management.